Broken undersaddle pickup?
Posted 2008-11-11 12:11 PM (#12493)
Subject: Broken undersaddle pickup?

November 2006
Posts: 217

Location: Snåsa, Norway
I don't get any plugged in sound from my old Custom Legend anymore. I've installed a JLD Bridge Doctor and removed the pickup to adjust the action, so I most likely have broken some wire from the pickup to the preamp.

When I plug in there is only a buzz which varies in volume from none to loud when I turn the volume pot, so the preamp must be working. The buzz changes when I move the cable between the pickup and preamp.

Is this possible to fix, or do I need a new pickup?
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Posted 2008-11-11 1:11 PM (#12494 - in reply to #12493)
Subject: Re: Broken undersaddle pickup?

December 2003
Posts: 13991

Location: Upper Left USA
A new pickup from Mother should do the trick.

I was attempting to repair a stereo pup in a 1537 this morning, same effect with the noise.

They also show up on ebay but a Factory replacement will be a sure thing.
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moody, p.i.
Posted 2008-11-11 1:18 PM (#12495 - in reply to #12493)
Subject: Re: Broken undersaddle pickup?

March 2002
Posts: 15668

Location: SoCal
Get one from the factory. I doubt if they're that much money....
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Posted 2008-11-11 6:00 PM (#12496 - in reply to #12493)
Subject: Re: Broken undersaddle pickup?

November 2006
Posts: 217

Location: Snåsa, Norway
Troubleshooting was successful!

I'll get my soldering iron and try to fix it before I order a replacement. Yet another challenge in my career as an amateur guitar tech! :D
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Posted 2008-11-14 2:00 PM (#12497 - in reply to #12493)
Subject: Re: Broken undersaddle pickup?

November 2006
Posts: 217

Location: Snåsa, Norway
Soldered the shield but it still is dead, connection between wire and piezo is probably broken. Will play it as a pure acoustic, maybe replace the pickup with a bone saddle. If I find that I need to play it plugged in, I can always replace it later.
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Mark in Boise
Posted 2008-11-14 4:21 PM (#12498 - in reply to #12493)
Subject: Re: Broken undersaddle pickup?

March 2005
Posts: 12759

Location: Boise, Idaho
You can either get a new pickup or find a used one on ebay.
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Posted 2008-11-14 4:49 PM (#12499 - in reply to #12493)
Subject: Re: Broken undersaddle pickup?
December 2006
Posts: 6268

Location: Florida Central Gulf Coast
A new one from the Mothership isn't that much and worth having a 'whole' 'O'.
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Posted 2008-12-13 6:29 PM (#12500 - in reply to #12493)
Subject: Re: Broken undersaddle pickup?

November 2006
Posts: 217

Location: Snåsa, Norway
The solution turned out to be a forum member of the Swedish Acoustic Guitar Forum , who soldered the cable to the piezo, and also put a mini jack on the cable.

Now the pickup is back in the saddle slot, and works perfectly and noiseless! :D
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