Loose electronics inside 2003 Collectors Edition
Posted 2003-12-30 1:26 AM (#198860)
Subject: Loose electronics inside 2003 Collectors Edition

December 2003
Posts: 28

Location: Chicagoland U.S.A.
Well, I took my CP-2003 Korean Collectors Edition back to SamsAsh and swapped it for a used 2003 USA Collectors Edition that sounded way sweet, as was the deal I got in the swap. I just read too much here about the USA vs. Korean differences. It's true. Much fuller and richer and I can feel each note vibrate my body as I play, which I like very much, just like my Santa Cruz D/PW.

So, my question is, I heard a rattling inside and found the electronics to be loose, where all of the wires meet in the middle of the wire train inside the body. I saw adhesive tape affixed to that black square piece and bought some new double sided adhesive and affixed it to the old adhesive, and attached it to the back, not the top. Was that the correct placement of the electronics? The back, I mean? Please let me know if this is the correct adjustment which I made.

Kind regards
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Posted 2003-12-30 8:47 AM (#198861 - in reply to #198860)
Subject: Re: Loose electronics inside 2003 Collectors Edition

June 2002
Posts: 6201

Location: Phoenix AZ
What you've done is fine. Dave
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