approx value of new 1861LX?
Posted 2006-12-29 11:10 AM (#224628)
Subject: approx value of new 1861LX?

August 2006
Posts: 34

Location: Chicago area
What do you guys think the approximate value of a brand new 1861LX is? This one is a nice woodgrain and nice rosewood fingerboard. I checked ebay but it is hard to tell since they are mostly new from dealer at the $900-1100 + shipping prices.

If anyone here is interested....let me know. Ships in original Ovation box and case. Hang tags still on it.

thanks and Happy New Year!
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Posted 2006-12-29 11:35 AM (#224629 - in reply to #224628)
Subject: Re: approx value of new 1861LX?

April 2003
Posts: 242

Location: Pewaukee, WI
My local GC has one, was tagged at $849 but has been on sale for $694 (50% of list) for a few weeks now. They say it's going back up to $849, but hasn't yet (as of yesterday). Even at $849 I'd think that they'd have some room to work, so I'd say a brand new 1861LX could be had for just under $800.

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Posted 2006-12-29 7:20 PM (#224630 - in reply to #224628)
Subject: Re: approx value of new 1861LX?

August 2006
Posts: 34

Location: Chicago area
Nevermind, I ended up trading it today so don't need a estimated price anymore. thanks Randy!
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