Question about neck widths and shapes.
Posted 2006-12-16 11:15 PM (#226232)
Subject: Question about neck widths and shapes.

September 2006
Posts: 347

Location: Reno, NV
What electric manufacturer has a neck shape and size that are most similar to Ovation necks, specifically my 1771-LX? They don't typically give alot of detail about that on either the vendor or manufacturer's websites. I like to make the transition between guitars as seemless and thoughtless as possible.

Some guitars I have taken an interest in are:

ESP LTD EC-1000 ..maybe EC-400
Schecter S-1 Elite
Fender Strat Highway 1
Gibson Les Paul Studio

Any of these close to the "O"?

Asthetically, Im not as thrilled with Jackson, Ibanez, Epiphone, Telecasters, Gibson SG's, Flying V's,

Sorry for all the electric questions here, but this is a group of mature knowledge, and I trust the responses. Most guitar boards, especially the electric boards are filled with juvenile nonsense.
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Posted 2006-12-17 12:19 AM (#226233 - in reply to #226232)
Subject: Re: Question about neck widths and shapes.

December 2003
Posts: 13991

Location: Upper Left USA
I don't know the answer to your question but a Deacon neck on a Viper, Preacher or Deacon feels really familiar and right.
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Posted 2006-12-17 1:18 AM (#226234 - in reply to #226232)
Subject: Re: Question about neck widths and shapes.

August 2006
Posts: 2804

Location: ranson,wva
solid body ovation necks feel the best!! slick and fast..i got to play a limited last weekend and it had the fastest,litest neck of any solid body ive strat neck has a great feel too but its not as light as a ovations neck...jason
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Old Man Arthur
Posted 2006-12-17 1:25 AM (#226235 - in reply to #226232)
Subject: Re: Question about neck widths and shapes.

September 2006
Posts: 10777

Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR
Hey Yak-- All my ovations are electric... When I want them to be, which ain't that often.
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Posted 2006-12-17 10:10 AM (#226236 - in reply to #226232)
Subject: Re: Question about neck widths and shapes.

April 2003
Posts: 242

Location: Pewaukee, WI
Fender Strat "V" neck models feel close to my Ovations (1867, 1867, 1121, 1597). specifically the Eric Clapton model, but the '57 Classic, Jimmie Vaughn or Buddy Guy MIM models would be a less expensive model with the same neck profile. The '57 Classic has a glossy neck, while the other 3 mentioned have satin neck finishes.
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Posted 2006-12-18 4:02 PM (#226237 - in reply to #226232)
Subject: Re: Question about neck widths and shapes.

April 2006
Posts: 1138

Location: CT
Originally posted by Yak:
Most guitar boards, especially the electric boards are filled with juvenile nonsense.
Stick around awhile. :rolleyes:
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Posted 2006-12-18 4:19 PM (#226238 - in reply to #226232)
Subject: Re: Question about neck widths and shapes.

November 2005
Posts: 1126

Location: Omaha, NE
Originally posted by Yak:
Most guitar boards, especially the electric boards are filled with juvenile nonsense.
Yeah, none of that here. No siree...nothing to see here. Keep on moving, folks.

One thing to keep in mind...when going from acoustic to electric there are more ergonomic issues than just the neck. Because the guitar is so much thinner, it will be positioned differently relative to your fretting hand. What works on an acoustic may not be the right fit on an electric.

Generally, as a lifelong acoustic player, I find that Gibson-ish guitars are a better fit for me than Fender-ish guitars, but that is a very broad generalization. I saw a thing on TV the other day where they showed all the different neck shapes that Fender uses. Must have been 50 of them. Apparently lots of artists get custom orders to their particular specifications.
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Chuck (Retired Navy)
Posted 2006-12-18 10:18 PM (#226239 - in reply to #226232)
Subject: Re: Question about neck widths and shapes.

July 2002
Posts: 280

Location: Waterloo, IL
I tried the epi dot and liked the feel. I am really looking forward to the Hamer Echotone coming from Al. Tried one in a music store new here and liked the Echotone a lot. Waiting is always the hardest part.

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