So, What Effects Pedals do you use?
Tim in Yucaipa
Posted 2008-07-30 1:12 PM (#28330)
Subject: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

August 2003
Posts: 2246

Location: Yucaipa, California
For those of you who use such things, what pedals do you normally use?

I'm only using a Boss Chorus and an ElectroHarmonix POG...
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Old Man Arthur
Posted 2008-07-30 1:21 PM (#28331 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

September 2006
Posts: 10777

Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR
I got four Danelectro FAB pedals and a Zoom G1X multi-effects processor with expression pedal...

I don't use any of them! But I got 'em if I ever need 'em...
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Posted 2008-07-30 1:25 PM (#28332 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

October 2006
Posts: 5575

Location: big island
zoom A2.1u

works well with direct recording (USB) to the computer also. has a built-in entry-level drum machine and built-in tuner.
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Posted 2008-07-30 2:07 PM (#28333 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

January 2006
Posts: 5881

Location: Colorado Rocky Mountains
Acoustic board in this order:
Fender tuner
Trace SMX compressor
Jacques Overdrive (used very sparingly, but still used)
Keeley Blues Driver (primarily as a boost)
Zoom A2.1u

XLR out from the Zoom to the house board, and a 1/4" out to the AAD Cub which I use as a supplemental monitor. For one or two songs played about every three months, I'll add a Cry Baby wah on the front end of the board.

Other stuff on the 'lectric pedal board.
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John B
Posted 2008-07-30 2:14 PM (#28334 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

January 2004
Posts: 1225

Location: Lake Hiawatha, New Jersey
I use boss chorus, compressor, E.Q., and tuner pedals along with an Aphex Acoustic Exciter / D.I.

I use the compressor and the E.Q. mainly for fingerstyle stuff (or my feeble attempts at it).
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Posted 2008-07-30 2:15 PM (#28335 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

January 2006
Posts: 5881

Location: Colorado Rocky Mountains
Oops, forgot. If I'm playing out solo, I'll add a Boss RC20XL loop machine between the board and the amp.
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Posted 2008-07-30 2:31 PM (#28336 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

December 2006
Posts: 6994

Location: Jet City
I gots ta try me one of them there loop pedals.

I want something I can lay 2 parts down one by one in a live setting then play over.

Would that RC20XL do that?

1. Strum a rhythm for a measure, keep it going
2. Pick a pseudo bass line (but with a guitar) over part 1, then keep 'em both going
3. Do a lead over those 2 parts.

Easy to do live?
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Posted 2008-07-30 2:43 PM (#28337 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

September 2004
Posts: 1180

Location: Vermont USA
Digitech Bad Monkey, Delay, Phase.
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Posted 2008-07-30 2:46 PM (#28338 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

April 2004
Posts: 13303

Location: Latitude 39.56819, Longitude -105.080066
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Tim in Yucaipa
Posted 2008-07-30 3:03 PM (#28339 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

August 2003
Posts: 2246

Location: Yucaipa, California
Damon67 said:
I gots ta try me one of them there loop pedals.

I want something I can lay 2 parts down one by one in a live setting then play over.

Would that RC20XL do that?

1. Strum a rhythm for a measure, keep it going
2. Pick a pseudo bass line (but with a guitar) over part 1, then keep 'em both going
3. Do a lead over those 2 parts.

Easy to do live?
Easy for her:

KT Tunstall
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Captain Lovehandles
Posted 2008-07-30 3:20 PM (#28340 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

July 2005
Posts: 3410

Location: GA USA
I sold all my analog DOD pedals a while back and bought a Digitech RP200 multi unit. Used it quite a bit but now I've stopped. With the Deacon or the Viper, it's hard to beat the nekkid sound of the guitar.

With the acoustic, I may add a little chorus or reverb from the amp, or not.
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Posted 2008-07-30 3:54 PM (#28341 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

January 2006
Posts: 5881

Location: Colorado Rocky Mountains
Damon, that is exactly what I do. I'll lay down a rhythm track, then a second or double rhythm track, then the melody line, then I'll either double the melody, play a counter melody or noodle live on top of the melody. Works great, eats up a lot of time, and the patrons love it. I bought this unit after watching Kaki King use the very same model. The downside is that I can't easily move into and out of tempo changes, and I have to end the songs rather abruptly, but I just stop playing, let the tracks take over and fade the the volume to nothing. A three second stomp erases everything and you're ready to repeat the process for the next number. There are other models available, both more expensive and less expensive, than the Boss RC20. Something will fit your budget. For solo instrumental performances, it is a must.
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Posted 2008-07-30 6:19 PM (#28342 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

February 2008
Posts: 247

Location: Delaware
I use a Fishman AFX Chorus for the gituar, TC Helicon Voicelive harmonizer for the vocals.
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Posted 2008-07-30 6:51 PM (#28343 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

November 2004
Posts: 4413

I've been trying to remember the pedals that Robert Johnson, Lonnie Johnson, Django, Charlie Christian, Tal Farlow, Barney Kessel, Wes Montgomery, Joe Pass, Doc Watson, Peter Green and Martin Taylor used.
I'll post them if I remember.
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Posted 2008-07-30 7:10 PM (#28344 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

September 2004
Posts: 777

Location: East Wenatchee, WA
All I use now (for acoustic) is a Yamaha Magicstomp AG. I want to get a looper too, as I like to make drum noises on my Adamaii.
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Posted 2008-07-30 8:20 PM (#28345 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?
April 2008
Posts: 498

original Yamaha AG stomp and exp pedal for the a/e guitars

Digitech RPX400 for the electrics

just a tad bit of chorus when playing through the GB Shen
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Posted 2008-07-30 10:28 PM (#28346 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

October 2005
Posts: 4052

Location: Utah
DOD Compressor and Digitech Bad Monkey tube distortion. The Toneworks PX4 (digital multi-effects) gets fairly regular use with the electric but not the acoustic guitars.
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First Alternate
Posted 2008-08-01 5:02 AM (#28347 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?
May 2005
Posts: 486

Location: North Carolina
Old Zoom 504 for a touch of chorus and verb.

Just don't like to lug a bunch of crap.
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Posted 2008-08-01 8:58 AM (#28348 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

January 2006
Posts: 5881

Location: Colorado Rocky Mountains
Matt Smith recommended a Trace Elliot SMX dual stage compression pedal during the Amelia workshop. These things are not all that readily available, so if you're in the mood, there's one on the bay. The posting says that the 18v power supply is not included, but they also come up now and then as well. . . .

Trace Elliot SMX Compressor
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Posted 2008-08-01 9:37 AM (#28349 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

January 2008
Posts: 108

Location: Cheyenne, Wyoming
I've got one of the old Zoom 504's, too. It still does the job for chorus and reverb for me. I also have a Digitech Multi-Chorus stomp.
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Posted 2008-08-01 10:19 AM (#28350 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

May 2003
Posts: 4389

Location: Capital District, NY, USA Minor Outlying Islands
Electric Guitar:
None, just amp reverb, or on board distortion for my papoose. (I'm considering moving into the 21sth century and getting some sort of line 6 device, though I keep trying pedal after pedal and just going back to nothing)

Acoustic Guitar:
Alesis 6fx. A nice mixer with a mutlitude of effects.

I guess if I didn't use the Alesis, I'd use a Sans Amp, a Boss Reverb, the POG, aphex exciter and a visual sound route 66 ompression / overdrive. Or maybe the line 6 POD.
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Posted 2008-08-01 11:07 AM (#28351 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

March 2005
Posts: 2791

Location: Atlanta, GA.
Since my amp doesn't have built-in reverb, all I have is a Line 6 Verbzilla.
It suits my needs.
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Posted 2008-12-03 3:19 PM (#28352 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

May 2003
Posts: 4389

Location: Capital District, NY, USA Minor Outlying Islands
Well, I've had a rethink about pedals since I got two for free and one at a ridiculously low price ...
For electric guitar
Tele copy > planet pedal tuner > BBE Green Screamer > BBE Soul Vibe > Yamaha JX30 combo with reverb. I'm thinking about getting something like an exciter. Will post more later.
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Posted 2008-12-03 3:53 PM (#28353 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

October 2008
Posts: 639

Location: NW of Philadelphia

** Tascam MP3-GT1 Guitar Trainer (headphone preamp with tons of built in effects)
EHx Deluxe Electric Mistriss (original ~1977)
* Tom Scholz Rockman Soloist (~1985)
Ibanez Mostorion
EHx Bad Stone Phase Shifter (~1977)
* DOD TR3R Delay-Sampler/Stereo Chorus/Distortion

** Used constantly
* Used frequently

Yes... most of it is REALLY old!
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Tim in Yucaipa
Posted 2008-12-03 5:06 PM (#28354 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

August 2003
Posts: 2246

Location: Yucaipa, California
...very nice.

I recently added four new Boss pedals: Boss BD-1 Blues Driver, Boss Distortion-1, Boss DD-3 Digital Delay and a Boss NS-2 Soise Suppressor.... as well as the nice new Radial Bigshot ABY Switch I got from Saint Al.... all very cool. Surely too cool for me!
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Posted 2008-12-03 5:10 PM (#28355 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

November 2004
Posts: 4413

All of that for a banjo?? :eek: :eek:
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Tim in Yucaipa
Posted 2008-12-03 5:46 PM (#28356 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

August 2003
Posts: 2246

Location: Yucaipa, California

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FlicKreno aka Solid Top
Posted 2008-12-03 5:59 PM (#28357 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

April 2006
Posts: 2491

Location: Copenhagen Denmark
MORLEY wah , the Cry -baby that has " disappeared " has still not been replaced , am considering a Tube -screamer , but which one ?...
otherwise some of the FX on the amp. ,..I like to fiddle with the Bigsby on my Jazzbox too.

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Mark in Boise
Posted 2008-12-03 6:06 PM (#28358 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

March 2005
Posts: 12759

Location: Boise, Idaho
Does a 2 button on/off switch count? I can't remember what the other button is for.
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Weaser P
Posted 2008-12-03 8:00 PM (#28359 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

October 2005
Posts: 5330

Location: Cicero, NY
That button is for when you reach the age where you're not quite sure if you just sat down to play or if you've just finished. Just hit it - it really doesn't do anything but you're glad you've hit it anyway.
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Posted 2008-12-04 9:45 AM (#28360 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

January 2006
Posts: 2120

Location: Chicago
After trying a dozen I've settled on one: the Boss AD3 acouctic guitar chorus + reverb. Durable and a no-brainer (perfect for gigging).

I now practice obsessively with the Boss RC-2 loop station: lay down some chords or a part of a tune and woodshed away!
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Posted 2008-12-04 10:03 AM (#28361 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

June 2005
Posts: 1320

Location: Round Rock, TX
I use a Line 6 Pod X3 Live (grrrreat for electric and acoustic) and a Digitech Vocalist Live 4 for solo work.

The Pod can do about anything I want it to do and the Vocalist is FUN! When I demo'ed it for a fellow gear-head he said, "Bill, you've gotten a ton of stuff that I thought was cool, but that's the 1st thing that made me look at you and wonder, 'Can I outrun him?'".
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Posted 2008-12-08 5:30 PM (#28362 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

October 2008
Posts: 16

Location: Indiana, USA
My bass pedals are:

Korg Pitchblack tuner > Fulltone Bass-Drive > Foxrox Octron > Devi Ever Year of the Rat.
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Posted 2008-12-08 8:11 PM (#28363 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

September 2005
Posts: 3618

Acoustic: Zoom A2.1u (I am also planning to by a loop system)

Electric: Line6 PODXTLive

Bass: Line6 BassPODXTLive
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Posted 2008-12-08 8:25 PM (#28364 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

January 2006
Posts: 1120

Location: NW Washington State
Here's my sophisticated setup from this morning. For some reason my wife wants me to remove this stuff from the den before Christmas...
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Captain Lovehandles
Posted 2008-12-08 9:06 PM (#28365 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

July 2005
Posts: 3410

Location: GA USA
Kool! One of those fancy strobe lanterns.
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Posted 2008-12-26 1:41 PM (#28366 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

May 2003
Posts: 4389

Location: Capital District, NY, USA Minor Outlying Islands
Well, I tried an exciter, and it left me aggrivated. It only helped my low end, and added hiss to the high end. These are great for bass, but are lacking for electric guitar. Or at least for me ...

So the electric rig remains Warmoth Tele copy > planet pedal tuner > BBE Green Screamer > BBE Soul Vibe > Yamaha JX30 combo with reverb.

Now I'm thinking about a delay pedal. Two on the radar are the BBE two timer and the line 6 echo park. Also thinking about the EVH holy stain, but that's in the catagory of weird distortion. I don't know how useful it would be.

You guys have any recommendations about delay pedals?
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Trader Jim
Posted 2008-12-26 1:55 PM (#28367 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

June 2006
Posts: 7307

Location: South of most, North of few
And I was just about to ask if anyone was using the line 6 pod XT live. I know a couple of guys using them, and they swear by them. And now they have the newer version (X3 Live) that has a looper built in.
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Posted 2008-12-26 3:07 PM (#28368 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

July 2008
Posts: 31

Location: Tampa Bay area, FL
I use the Line6 M13...mostly for compression, chorus, phase, delay & reverb and of course, the looper!
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Posted 2008-12-26 10:48 PM (#28369 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

May 2003
Posts: 4389

Location: Capital District, NY, USA Minor Outlying Islands
I really like the POD XT. Mine broke :(. If you have the patience to dial in the tone, they're great.
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Posted 2008-12-26 11:03 PM (#28370 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

July 2003
Posts: 3111

Location: Nashville TN.
Acoustic I use nothing.
On Electric
I Use Danelectro pedels.
Hash Browns
French Toast
Milk Shake
Chichen Salad
Tuna Melt
French Fries
in 2 pedel boards
Played through a Fender Twin
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Posted 2008-12-27 10:26 AM (#28371 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

June 2005
Posts: 1320

Location: Round Rock, TX
originally posted by Trader Jim:
And I was just about to ask if anyone was using the line 6 pod XT live. I know a couple of guys using them, and they swear by them. And now they have the newer version (X3 Live) that has a looper built in.
I love my X3 Live. It has great patches included for electrics, basses and acoustics. There are also thousands of patches you can download from their online library, then use their Gearbox app to dial in the sound you want. The X3 live even has a mic input and vocal effects, though I prefer my VocalistLive 4 for that. Now that I think about it I out to be able to run the VL4's output to the input on the X3.

I've got some experimenting to do.
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Posted 2008-12-27 12:06 PM (#28372 - in reply to #28330)
Subject: Re: So, What Effects Pedals do you use?

January 2002
Posts: 14127

Location: 6 String Ranch
Tak DI box.
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