Selling dirty guitars...WHY!!!
Posted 2008-12-27 10:05 PM (#4923)
Subject: Selling dirty guitars...WHY!!!

September 2008
Posts: 55

Location: Columbus, Ohio
Okay, I may be a little anal when it comes to keeping my guitar clean. BUT...when selling a guitar don't you think you'd have a better chance of selling it if it wasn't covered in dust and nasty fretboard. Looking at that guitar makes me wonder if it was ever taken care of, just .02, drives me crazy. This thing needs put in the dishwasher.

What do you guys think?

Adamas on Ebay
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Posted 2008-12-27 10:14 PM (#4924 - in reply to #4923)
Subject: Re: Selling dirty guitars...WHY!!!

July 2003
Posts: 3111

Location: Nashville TN.
He sold it for that little???
Must not be able to prove his story
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Posted 2008-12-27 10:16 PM (#4925 - in reply to #4923)
Subject: Re: Selling dirty guitars...WHY!!!

November 2006
Posts: 3969

First discussed back in October in this thread . Same consensus: clean the damn guitar before you take a picture of it for sale. Back then he was asking more than double the current BIN. If you don't mind putting in a little elbow grease into cleaning the "Ziggy funk" off of it it could be a fine guitar at a pretty good price.

EDIT: It didn't sell, PEZ. It's been re-listed for the third or fourth time.
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Posted 2008-12-27 10:17 PM (#4926 - in reply to #4923)
Subject: Re: Selling dirty guitars...WHY!!!

September 2008
Posts: 55

Location: Columbus, Ohio
Either that or everyone who looked at it had the same impression I did, that being they didn't take care of it. People like that shouldn't be allowed to have nice guitars.
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Posted 2008-12-27 10:32 PM (#4927 - in reply to #4923)
Subject: Re: Selling dirty guitars...WHY!!!

September 2008
Posts: 55

Location: Columbus, Ohio
I couldn't take it, I had to send him a "constructive" message. I would have really considered that guitar if it was all perty.
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Posted 2008-12-27 11:11 PM (#4928 - in reply to #4923)
Subject: Re: Selling dirty guitars...WHY!!!

October 2006
Posts: 5575

Location: big island
yeah...but maybe some of that dust is from the rhinestone cowboy's house. wouldn't that make the guitar more valuable?
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Posted 2008-12-27 11:47 PM (#4929 - in reply to #4923)
Subject: Re: Selling dirty guitars...WHY!!!

July 2003
Posts: 3111

Location: Nashville TN.
Somehow I think Glen might have enough resources to to afford a cleaning woman.
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Posted 2008-12-28 12:00 AM (#4930 - in reply to #4923)
Subject: Re: Selling dirty guitars...WHY!!!

October 2007
Posts: 283

Location: Portland, OR
Think of it this way. It's a little like selling a house that has some obvious flaws of a cosmetic nature. the bargain hunter is going to be all over it, Dust might also indicate that the thing hasn't seen much playing. Skin deep. Doesn't make it better, but maybe cheaper.
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Posted 2008-12-28 7:28 AM (#4931 - in reply to #4923)
Subject: Re: Selling dirty guitars...WHY!!!

October 2007
Posts: 2711

Location: Vernon CT
Here's another though for the buyer and I've used this to talk a seller down. When a "seller" doesn't clean a guitar It implies lack of care. I inspect the guitar and use the dirt, dust
crappy strings dried out fret and bridge as a way of telling the seller he's asking way too much for a guitar in "poor" shape.. Has worked 3 out of 4 times and got a good 20 to 30% of the original asking price. After I spend a couple of hours cleaning, feeding, tightening restringing and adgusting I have always ended uo with a hell of a deal!!
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Posted 2008-12-28 8:01 AM (#4932 - in reply to #4923)
Subject: Re: Selling dirty guitars...WHY!!!

February 2008
Posts: 247

Location: Delaware
That adamas should come with a free tetanus shot thrown in the deal !
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Posted 2008-12-28 8:16 AM (#4933 - in reply to #4923)
Subject: Re: Selling dirty guitars...WHY!!!

April 2008
Posts: 288

Location: New Hampshire, USA
It's not just guitars - I've seen countless items of all varieties on ebay that were filthy and I've never understood it.

It's just common sense: if you want the best price and to increase desirability of an item, why not make it look as nice as possible?

There are some behaviors I'll just never understand, I guess.
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Posted 2008-12-28 9:24 AM (#4934 - in reply to #4923)
Subject: Re: Selling dirty guitars...WHY!!!

April 2008
Posts: 288

Location: New Hampshire, USA
Oh, and then there are the craigslist ads that are just brimming with info like this one:

You know you want it!
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Posted 2008-12-28 10:31 AM (#4935 - in reply to #4923)
Subject: Re: Selling dirty guitars...WHY!!!

September 2008
Posts: 55

Location: Columbus, Ohio
Here is his response to my message I sent him

"your right the pics suck. the guitar is dusty. other than the dust
it is mint. so if not dusting is not taking care of it. guilty. but i
also didnt play it very much so unless there are pack rats inside
eating the graphite then i think its good to go. ill wash my
guitar and take new pictures"
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Posted 2008-12-28 11:07 AM (#4936 - in reply to #4923)
Subject: Re: Selling dirty guitars...WHY!!!
May 2008
Posts: 4996

Location: Phoenix AZ
Hey, it is what it is. If it bothers you to buy a dirty guitar than don't buy it. If on the other hand you think you can score a guitar below market value because of dust or dirty pictures you may be right. His loss, your gain. I don't feel any responsibility to tell others how to go about selling their stuff, and I'm not above being a bottom feeder pouncing on a nice Adamas erroneously listed as an 'Adams' guitar.

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Posted 2008-12-28 11:49 AM (#4937 - in reply to #4923)
Subject: Re: Selling dirty guitars...WHY!!!

October 2007
Posts: 2711

Location: Vernon CT
Originally posted by Gallerinski:
Hey, it is what it is. If it bothers you to buy a dirty guitar than don't buy it. If on the other hand you think you can score a guitar below market value because of dust or dirty pictures you may be right. His loss, your gain. I don't feel any responsibility to tell others how to go about selling their stuff, and I'm not above being a bottom feeder pouncing on a nice Adamas erroneously listed as an 'Adams' guitar.

+1! Their Loss, Your gain! :) if they do't know enough to clean it, fix it,what ever it take to make it in better condition so they get what they want for it.
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Posted 2008-12-28 12:22 PM (#4938 - in reply to #4923)
Subject: Re: Selling dirty guitars...WHY!!!

September 2008
Posts: 55

Location: Columbus, Ohio
I'm not above trying to help someone out. I agree that you may be able to work out a better "deal" if the item looks like crap. On the other hand, what's wrong with trying to help someone? My point is, if he makes the guitar presentable he's going to have better luck selling it. Almost sounds like it's bad to give someone a little helpful advice.
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Dale Lutes
Posted 2008-12-28 8:54 PM (#4939 - in reply to #4923)
Subject: Re: Selling dirty guitars...WHY!!!

March 2008
Posts: 355

Location: Wichita, KS
On a somewhat related point, it drives me crazy when a seller posts photos that are so out-of-focus that it's impossible to see the true condition of the instrument. It makes me suspect they are hiding scratches and blemishes. Ditto for tiny pics that are too small to show any detail.
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Capo Guy
Posted 2008-12-28 10:12 PM (#4940 - in reply to #4923)
Subject: Re: Selling dirty guitars...WHY!!!

December 2004
Posts: 4394

Location: East Tennessee
I would rather buy a dirty guitar with good pictures than a clean guitar with bad pictures.
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Posted 2008-12-28 10:31 PM (#4941 - in reply to #4923)
Subject: Re: Selling dirty guitars...WHY!!!

December 2001
Posts: 10583

Location: NJ
this thread makes me laugh

how superficial!
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Old Man Arthur
Posted 2008-12-28 10:47 PM (#4942 - in reply to #4923)
Subject: Re: Selling dirty guitars...WHY!!!

September 2006
Posts: 10777

Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR
Personally, I wish I could spare a thousand bucks!

For a dusty ol' Adamas? I own some rags, microfiber cloths and a new set of strings!
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Posted 2008-12-29 12:36 PM (#4943 - in reply to #4923)
Subject: Re: Selling dirty guitars...WHY!!!

July 2002
Posts: 1900

I agree, $900 and free shipping isn't bad for this guitar is it? I wish I had the bucks. It's a simple thing to clean it up...
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Posted 2008-12-29 12:43 PM (#4944 - in reply to #4923)
Subject: Re: Selling dirty guitars...WHY!!!

October 2008
Posts: 639

Location: NW of Philadelphia
Let them sell it dirty. It makes most people think it wasn't cared for. They walk away. Too bad for them, good for anyone who knows better.
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