Chicago vs The Spencer Davis Group
Posted 2008-12-10 11:24 PM (#7476)
Subject: Chicago vs The Spencer Davis Group

October 2005
Posts: 803

Location: Avondale, AZ
Both did the song "I'm a man"
I never heard two bands do the same song so similarly.

Chicago\'s version

Spencer Davis Group\'s version

Both rock so either chose is right.
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Posted 2008-12-10 11:43 PM (#7477 - in reply to #7476)
Subject: Re: Chicago vs The Spencer Davis Group

May 2004
Posts: 383

Location: Indiana
I saw the then Chicago Transit Authority as the opening act for Jimi Hendrix. I remember hearing them do that song. Excellent. There aren't many remakes that I like as much as that one.
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Posted 2008-12-11 8:40 AM (#7478 - in reply to #7476)
Subject: Re: Chicago vs The Spencer Davis Group

January 2006
Posts: 1120

Location: NW Washington State
I'm a Terry Kath fan so I'll go with the Chicago version. Kath should be one of those dead legends; maybe he didn't get enough attention because Chicago was such a big group.

But the Traffic version is good too... I guess I'd like to see a version with Winwood and Kath together.

Resist all involvement with each groovy chick you see.

-Steve W.
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Posted 2008-12-11 8:54 AM (#7479 - in reply to #7476)
Subject: Re: Chicago vs The Spencer Davis Group

June 2005
Posts: 1320

Location: Round Rock, TX
It's gotta be the SDG version for me. That version of that song is iconic. Every time I hear the first coupla bars my monkey bone starts vibrating.
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Jeff W.
Posted 2008-12-11 9:23 AM (#7480 - in reply to #7476)
Subject: Re: Chicago vs The Spencer Davis Group

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
. . . needs more cowbell.
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Posted 2008-12-11 10:40 AM (#7481 - in reply to #7476)
Subject: Re: Chicago vs The Spencer Davis Group

January 2002
Posts: 14127

Location: 6 String Ranch
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Posted 2008-12-11 11:10 AM (#7482 - in reply to #7476)
Subject: Re: Chicago vs The Spencer Davis Group

May 2003
Posts: 4389

Location: Capital District, NY, USA Minor Outlying Islands
Can't see it because of work, but I always liked the Bo Diddley, Muddy Waters and George Thorogood versions.
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Posted 2008-12-11 12:03 PM (#7483 - in reply to #7476)
Subject: Re: Chicago vs The Spencer Davis Group

March 2008
Posts: 2683

Location: Hot Springs, S.D.
It's a great song no matter who performs it. I'd have to go with Spencer Davis Group though. (Although I never knew what the words were until Chicago did it. Gotta love Steve Winwood, but sometimes I wonder why he keeps all those marbles in his mouth.)
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Tommy M.
Posted 2008-12-11 4:10 PM (#7484 - in reply to #7476)
Subject: Re: Chicago vs The Spencer Davis Group

January 2004
Posts: 627

Location: Cherry Hill, NJ
SDG by far. Chicago's version lacks soul. Might as well be a high school band doing it.
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