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Line Input or Mic ?

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Posted 2006-12-28 5:32 AM (#224890)
Subject: Line Input or Mic ?

June 2006
Posts: 106

Location: UK
I have two Ovation guitars.

One of them has an OP20 and the other has an OP24+

I plug these into my computer so I can record.

The OP20 only works if I plug it into the 'Line' input on the computer sound card. The Op24+ only works if I plug it into the 'Mic' input ?

Why the difference ? (Perhaps the amp on the OP24+ isn't working ? or is the difference in output just the way they're supposed to be?)
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Posted 2006-12-28 6:06 AM (#224891 - in reply to #224890)
Subject: Re: Line Input or Mic ?

November 2006
Posts: 217

Location: Snåsa, Norway
Don't know about the difference between the op20 and op24+, but you might look up the specs for them and see if they produce balanced or unbalanced output signa. My wild guess would be unbalanced from the op20 and balanced from op24+.
I use a Digitech RP50 between the guitar and the computer to contol the signal level and boost it. Any unit that can give control of the signal level will do, like an eq or a mixer.
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Posted 2006-12-28 7:46 AM (#224892 - in reply to #224890)
Subject: Re: Line Input or Mic ?

January 2005
Posts: 4903

Location: Phoenix AZ
OP24 is rotary vol. dial. OP24+ is vol. slider. OP24+C is vol. slider plus onboard tuner.

I think the out put from them should all be the same. Certainly not different enough that one would only work with 'line' input and the other only work with 'mic' input.

Check your computer specs. What is the difference between 'line' and 'mic' ???

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Posted 2006-12-28 8:54 AM (#224893 - in reply to #224890)
Subject: Re: Line Input or Mic ?

December 2004
Posts: 370

Location: Isle of Man, UK
Random thought...

Are you using the same cable for each guitar? Just that the connectors may be slightly different (wear and tear rather than design).

Other than that stupid question, I'd be out of ideas.

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Paul Blanchard
Posted 2006-12-28 11:00 AM (#224894 - in reply to #224890)
Subject: Re: Line Input or Mic ?

February 2002
Posts: 1817

Location: Minden, Nebraska
I believe both outputs should be the same, and both are line level. Have you checked the battery on the OP24+? I'm sure you have, but that would certainly make a difference.
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Posted 2006-12-28 11:06 AM (#224895 - in reply to #224890)
Subject: Re: Line Input or Mic ?

June 2006
Posts: 106

Location: UK
Paul; The little battery warning light isn't lit and when I stick my tongue on the contacts on the battery it makes me not want to do it again in a hurry.

jb; I'm sat at my desk and one of the guitars is always stood within arms reach by my desk. The other is over the office in a corner on a stand. I'm a software developer and when I'm having difficulty understanding some techie problem I just grab the guitar and work on some tune I'm learning for a few minutes while waiting for the coffee.

Cable is plugged in the back of the computer and all I do plug it in the back of the guitar when I want to record something. When I take the walk over to the corner of the office to the stand to switch guitars and then on my way back I switch the sound card input before sitting down.

Long, round the houses, way to say yes, same cable for both guitars.
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Posted 2006-12-28 11:45 AM (#224896 - in reply to #224890)
Subject: Re: Line Input or Mic ?

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
Check the levels of the virtual "volume control" of your sound card . . .
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Jeff W.
Posted 2006-12-28 12:13 PM (#224897 - in reply to #224890)
Subject: Re: Line Input or Mic ?

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
When plugged into an amp, is it noticeable?
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Posted 2006-12-28 12:33 PM (#224898 - in reply to #224890)
Subject: Re: Line Input or Mic ?

February 2005
Posts: 11840

Location: closely held secret
Let me make sure I have this right.
One guitar ONLY works when plugged into the line input.
The other guitar ONLY works when plugged into the mic input.

Is this correct? Or does one of them work regardless of which port you use?
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Posted 2006-12-28 1:10 PM (#224899 - in reply to #224890)
Subject: Re: Line Input or Mic ?

June 2006
Posts: 106

Location: UK
Hi Wabbit, Yup, that's exactly what happens. I suspect if I could play the OP20 through the Mic input I'd get tons of distortion but I get nothing. I suspect the mic input on the sound card has something that prevents over-loading so plugging a 'line' level device into the mic socket doesn't do anything.
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Posted 2006-12-28 1:16 PM (#224900 - in reply to #224890)
Subject: Re: Line Input or Mic ?

June 2006
Posts: 106

Location: UK
As I understand it the Line Input is for active devices such as CD players and other audio equipment which have their own amplification.

The Mic input is for device that don't have their own power or built-in amplification such as Microphones.

In my case the OP24+ only works in the Mic socket.

To be honest that's where I've always had it and thought that's where it belonged. It was only when I decided to plug the OP20 in for the first time and it didn't work till I moved it to the Line In.

I will add that apart from the fact I have to plug the Op24+ into the mic socket, everything works just fine, eq, pre-shape, mid shift all work just fine.
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