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2007 Predication

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Posted 2006-12-21 1:20 PM (#225561)
Subject: 2007 Predication

April 2004
Posts: 13303

Location: Latitude 39.56819, Longitude -105.080066
My 2007 prediction:

By March, Jeff will become the #3 poster, passing MWoody! :cool:

By September, Jeff will become the #2 poster, passing PMoody. :D

By the end of 2007, Jeff will realise he will NEVER pass Cliff. :(
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Captain Lovehandles
Posted 2006-12-21 1:55 PM (#225562 - in reply to #225561)
Subject: Re: 2007 Predication

July 2005
Posts: 3410

Location: GA USA
And by October, Jason will pass Jeff.

Maybe we start referring to Jeff now as "number two"
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Posted 2006-12-21 3:14 PM (#225563 - in reply to #225561)
Subject: Re: 2007 Predication

December 2004
Posts: 1673

Location: SoCal
Wow stephen, You have set such high goals for the guys. I'm sure they will strive to meet your expectations. :rolleyes:
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Posted 2006-12-21 4:48 PM (#225564 - in reply to #225561)
Subject: Re: 2007 Predication

June 2006
Posts: 659

Location: Hiram, Georgia
My money's on Jason!
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Posted 2006-12-21 4:53 PM (#225565 - in reply to #225561)
Subject: Re: 2007 Predication

December 2004
Posts: 1673

Location: SoCal
Send me the money, I'll hold on to it.
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Posted 2006-12-21 4:58 PM (#225566 - in reply to #225561)
Subject: Re: 2007 Predication

June 2006
Posts: 659

Location: Hiram, Georgia
do you take paypal, noah? lol...phil
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Posted 2006-12-21 6:29 PM (#225567 - in reply to #225561)
Subject: Re: 2007 Predication

December 2004
Posts: 1673

Location: SoCal
Yep... balance transfer or funded from bank account. Payment type should be 'Quasi-Cash'. If you need to cover your tracks, I can direct you to Lady Noah's vintage costume jewelry web site. Although you can spend quite a lot of money on a rare vintage designer piece, I could arrange that you spend even more on a $50 pair of old earings.
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Posted 2006-12-21 6:31 PM (#225568 - in reply to #225561)
Subject: Re: 2007 Predication

August 2006
Posts: 2804

Location: ranson,wva
you guys are something hows the weather in cali bruce??
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Capo Guy
Posted 2006-12-21 6:34 PM (#225569 - in reply to #225561)
Subject: Re: 2007 Predication

December 2004
Posts: 4394

Location: East Tennessee
Darn I thought you were going to predict who was going to buy another guitar in 2007. :(
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Posted 2006-12-21 6:38 PM (#225570 - in reply to #225561)
Subject: Re: 2007 Predication

December 2004
Posts: 1673

Location: SoCal
57 degrees, overcast... down in the 30s last night.

Nothing to complain about. We feel blessed to have been transferred here in '98.
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Posted 2006-12-21 7:10 PM (#225571 - in reply to #225561)
Subject: Re: 2007 Predication

December 2003
Posts: 13988

Location: Upper Left USA
"Todays forcast is for sunlight to be followed tonight by... darkness.

There's a dust Storm in the West and a Rain Storm in the East. The forecast for the Central area is...Mud"

Who am I?
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Weaser P
Posted 2006-12-21 8:32 PM (#225572 - in reply to #225561)
Subject: Re: 2007 Predication

October 2005
Posts: 5331

Location: Cicero, NY
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Posted 2006-12-21 8:56 PM (#225573 - in reply to #225561)
Subject: Re: 2007 Predication

June 2006
Posts: 659

Location: Hiram, Georgia
Noah, I was thinking more about how much it would cost you, if I sent 2cents by paypal.
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Posted 2006-12-21 9:14 PM (#225574 - in reply to #225561)
Subject: Re: 2007 Predication

November 2002
Posts: 3619

Location: Pacific Northwest Inland Empire
Mike, that's George Carlin. "Hal Sleet, The Hippy-Dippy Weatherman" routine. Do I get a prize? Or maybe, first dibs on the next offering (notice, I didn't use the "A-word", Al!)
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Posted 2006-12-21 9:52 PM (#225575 - in reply to #225561)
Subject: Re: 2007 Predication

December 2003
Posts: 13988

Location: Upper Left USA
Yah, offering, that's the ticket!

I remember he did that routine on the Smothers Bros's.

Note: There is a difference between Prediction and Predication I believe!!
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Captain Lovehandles
Posted 2006-12-22 7:11 AM (#225576 - in reply to #225561)
Subject: Re: 2007 Predication

July 2005
Posts: 3410

Location: GA USA
Correct, but this Stephen's prediction could also be correctly called a predication, so I figured he was just going cerebral on us.
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Posted 2006-12-22 7:58 AM (#225577 - in reply to #225561)
Subject: Re: 2007 Predication

January 2005
Posts: 4903

Location: Phoenix AZ
I predict in 2007:

1. Jason will get his hand slapped for using the word "sh1t" in every single post he makes

2. Al will finish his garage just in time to sell it and move into a bigger house

3. I'll run out of necks to have glossed

4. The dems will pass legislation forcing us to pay sales tax on all ebay purchases and capital gains on all ebay sales

5. Ovation will come out with a Thunderhead re-issue, built by the Hamer guys

6. The US will capture Osama Bin Laden and find that among his various aliases he is a member of the OFC

7. Paul Moody will be featured on an episode of COPS - as a perp, not as a PI

8. Windy & Warm will become the official theme song of the OFC, at least in France

9. Cliff will attempt to edit one of his posts and inadvertently delate all 10,000 of them

10. The suits at Kaman will make a hostle takeover bid to aquire the Ovation Guitar Company, not realizing they already own it.

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Posted 2006-12-22 8:34 AM (#225578 - in reply to #225561)
Subject: Re: 2007 Predication

December 2001
Posts: 10583

Location: NJ
Originally posted by Tupperware:
I predict in 2007:

1. Jason will get his hand slapped for using the word "s**t" in every single post he makes

2. Al will finish his garage just in time to sell it and move into a bigger house

3. I'll run out of necks to have glossed

4. The dems will pass legislation forcing us to pay sales tax on all ebay purchases and capital gains on all ebay sales

5. Ovation will come out with a Thunderhead re-issue, built by the Hamer guys

6. The US will capture Osama Bin Laden and find that among his various aliases he is a member of the OFC

7. Paul Moody will be featured on an episode of COPS - as a perp, not as a PI

8. Windy & Warm will become the official theme song of the OFC, at least in France

9. Cliff will attempt to edit one of his posts and inadvertently delate all 10,000 of them

10. The suits at Kaman will make a hostle takeover bid to aquire the Ovation Guitar Company, not realizing they already own it.

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Paul Blanchard
Posted 2006-12-22 9:22 AM (#225579 - in reply to #225561)
Subject: Re: 2007 Predication

February 2002
Posts: 1817

Location: Minden, Nebraska
Stephen, how are your streets?
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Posted 2006-12-22 11:39 AM (#225580 - in reply to #225561)
Subject: Re: 2007 Predication

November 2005
Posts: 4832

Location: Campbell River, British Columbia
Al, you got somethin' to say, just spell it out man!

Originally posted by Tupperware:
5. Ovation will come out with a Thunderhead re-issue, built by the Hamer guys
Oh please, make it so.
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Posted 2006-12-26 11:32 AM (#225581 - in reply to #225561)
Subject: Re: 2007 Predication

April 2004
Posts: 13303

Location: Latitude 39.56819, Longitude -105.080066
Hey Paul....streets are :D

but when you asked, they were about 3 foot deep in snow and there was no way to get out of the neighborhood!

UPS continues their personal vendetta against me.....guess they log onto the OFC every now and then.

Not only does it appear that they have "lost" 3 packages (blaming it on the storm) but the one package they did deliver.....instead of putting it on the nice cleared off section of my porch (meaning no snow), they carried it an extra 8 feet so that they could weg it in the snowpile I created (clearing a spot off for deliveries). Of course, we I discovered the package had been left (the next day) it was all soggy and almost ruined. Fortuately the insides had been wrapped in plastic so no damage to merchandise.

UPS and I just don't get along.......... :(
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Posted 2006-12-28 5:28 PM (#225582 - in reply to #225561)
Subject: Re: 2007 Predication

April 2004
Posts: 13303

Location: Latitude 39.56819, Longitude -105.080066
and now for another 2 feet of snow!!!!!

Typical since I have been waiting all week for some new equipment...delayed by the last storm.....that probably won't show up until the middle of next week when I am back to work!
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Jeff W.
Posted 2006-12-28 5:58 PM (#225583 - in reply to #225561)
Subject: Re: 2007 Predication

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
Since we are no longer supposed to be naughty, my posting will suffer... put your money on Jason.
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Posted 2006-12-28 6:02 PM (#225584 - in reply to #225561)
Subject: Re: 2007 Predication

August 2006
Posts: 2804

Location: ranson,wva
im sure you can be clever and get a few low blows in jason
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Posted 2006-12-28 6:06 PM (#225585 - in reply to #225561)
Subject: Re: 2007 Predication

April 2004
Posts: 13303

Location: Latitude 39.56819, Longitude -105.080066
You won't last money is still on you, big guy!
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