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Last dance for my Adamas

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Posted 2006-12-17 7:04 PM (#226171)
Subject: Last dance for my Adamas

November 2005
Posts: 1126

Location: Omaha, NE
The pickup on my Taylor decided to crap out at rehersal yesterday. I was lucky and had my Adamas with me. I haven't been playing it much since I had it on eBay. I finished the rehersal with the Adamas, and dropped the Taylor off at the shop on the way home. I hope they get it sorted out quick.

So that left me with just the Adamas for church today. Played wonderful, as always. Got home and checked e-mail and voilla! Someone had BIN'd my auction. My Adamas was gone!

I decided to send it off right. I pulled the strings and gave the fingerboard a good scrubbing with 0000 steel wool. It looks beautiful. I cleaned everything off thoroughly, and even vacuumed out the case. Fresh strings, and the thing looks brand new.

My buyer happens to be local, so we will sort out delivery in the next day or so.

So, here I am without a guitar! I really need the Taylor to get fixed this week. If not, I'm going to have to come up with "plan b" for our Christmas gigs quick. I won't have an Ovation again until my new custom koa model from Al arrives in a couple months. Until then, I suffer.

I don't want to say I regret selling the Adamas, but I am missing it a bit already. I am looking forward to my new koa more than ever!
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Capo Guy
Posted 2006-12-18 8:27 AM (#226172 - in reply to #226171)
Subject: Re: Last dance for my Adamas

December 2004
Posts: 4394

Location: East Tennessee
I hate to tell you this but every time I've gotten rid of one of my Ovations I have missed it so bad I eventually have gotten another of that same model.

Usually wind up spending more than I did for the original.

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Posted 2006-12-18 8:32 AM (#226173 - in reply to #226171)
Subject: Re: Last dance for my Adamas

June 2006
Posts: 659

Location: Hiram, Georgia
Trade in the Taylor.
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Posted 2006-12-18 8:36 AM (#226174 - in reply to #226171)
Subject: Re: Last dance for my Adamas

April 2006
Posts: 1138

Location: CT
I've held onto every USA O I've ever gotten, and plan to keep it that way. If I sold them all on eBay, they wouldn't bring enough for a nice Adamas or Taylor. :( It's a good thing I'm happy with them.
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Posted 2006-12-18 8:44 AM (#226175 - in reply to #226171)
Subject: Re: Last dance for my Adamas

November 2005
Posts: 1126

Location: Omaha, NE
I hear that.

Truth is I loved the Adamas, but it didn't fit me very well. The neck was too thin and too long. The one I've ordered from Al is a short scale with 1.75" width. That should be a better fit.

The real issue I have right now is my Taylor. I am torn. On the one hand, it is the best sounding guitar I have ever heard (its a 714ce). I mean that literally. It is absolutely gorgeous.

On the other hand, I can't have a guitar I can't trust, and I'm a little freaked out at how it just quit. The Taylor boards are filled with people complaining about ES reliability issues. I never thought it would happen to me. One minute I was doing my best Pete Townshend impression, windmilling on "Miles and Miles", the next, nothing. Well, not quite nothing. It still puts out a tiny amount of sound. Changed out the batteries (one area Taylor really sucks: No "Low Battery" warning light), but no help.

So, its at the shop and I'm not sure what I should do. I hope I like the new koa from Al as much as I expect to. If so, then that's going to become my main guitar. But I'm thinking about selling the Taylor and just buying some cheapo (this Ibanez has cought my eye, and is only $550) for a backup.

But timing is a factor. I've got three gigs this coming weekend, and at the moment I have no playable guitar. I'm gonna need to figure this out fast!
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Posted 2006-12-18 8:51 AM (#226176 - in reply to #226171)
Subject: Re: Last dance for my Adamas

June 2006
Posts: 659

Location: Hiram, Georgia
you could get a lot of Ovation, for what you have in that Taylor, perhaps a ssb or collector, or a op-pro or better preamp.
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Posted 2006-12-18 8:53 AM (#226177 - in reply to #226171)
Subject: Re: Last dance for my Adamas

January 2005
Posts: 4903

Location: Phoenix AZ
Personal opinon here, but what the heck ...

You like the Taylor, so getting rid of it because of an unreliable preamp system would not seem like a wise move to me. The factory will fix it for now and long term look into replacing the entire electronics system with something else.

In the mean time pick up a cheap Ovation just for gigging. Even a cheap-o celebrity deluxe would do fine plugged on for now. Once your Taylor issues are resolved dump the celeb or keep it as a cheap backup.

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Posted 2006-12-18 9:11 AM (#226178 - in reply to #226171)
Subject: Re: Last dance for my Adamas

April 2006
Posts: 1138

Location: CT
Originally posted by Omaha:

...I was doing my best Pete Townshend impression, windmilling on "Miles and Miles"
You could have finished the act by windmilling the Taylor into the floor, then detonating the drum kit!

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Posted 2006-12-18 9:19 AM (#226179 - in reply to #226171)
Subject: Re: Last dance for my Adamas

June 2006
Posts: 659

Location: Hiram, Georgia
A Celeb would be a quick fix, they also have a proven and reliable preamp system
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Posted 2006-12-18 2:27 PM (#226180 - in reply to #226171)
Subject: Re: Last dance for my Adamas

November 2005
Posts: 1126

Location: Omaha, NE
Well, with a slight sob I report that my buyer just picked up the guitar. Seemed like a very nice lady. She is giving it to her son for Christmas.

I'm sorry to see it go. But I can't wait for my new koa to arrive!
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Posted 2006-12-18 2:59 PM (#226181 - in reply to #226171)
Subject: Re: Last dance for my Adamas

April 2006
Posts: 1138

Location: CT
I wish my mom loved me that much.
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Posted 2006-12-18 5:09 PM (#226182 - in reply to #226171)
Subject: Re: Last dance for my Adamas

November 2005
Posts: 1126

Location: Omaha, NE
Don't feel bad. She never give me nice gifts either.
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Posted 2006-12-18 6:08 PM (#226183 - in reply to #226171)
Subject: Re: Last dance for my Adamas

December 2003
Posts: 13991

Location: Upper Left USA
She told me to say hi to you guys... doh!

At least you have the T@ylor to play. It could be worse. Imagine nothing to fret and how soft your fingertips would get!

Good selection in "next guitars" though!
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Jeff W.
Posted 2006-12-18 6:25 PM (#226184 - in reply to #226171)
Subject: Re: Last dance for my Adamas

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
Originally posted by brainslag:
I wish my mom loved me that much.
"My mama's only one who love's me...

but, I thinks she jivin' me too...."
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Posted 2006-12-18 6:35 PM (#226185 - in reply to #226171)
Subject: Re: Last dance for my Adamas

November 2005
Posts: 1126

Location: Omaha, NE
Just got off the phone with the tech...not good news. The Taylor is going to be out of commission for a while. I think I am going to be forced to buy something to tide me over. I think Dave hit it on the head: Buy the cheapo, then either dump it or keep it as an emergency backup.
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Posted 2006-12-18 7:38 PM (#226186 - in reply to #226171)
Subject: Re: Last dance for my Adamas

November 2002
Posts: 3621

Location: Pacific Northwest Inland Empire
Need a "loaner"? We could probably arrange a reasonable, extended-term relocation.
Send me a motion on the notion.
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Posted 2006-12-18 8:50 PM (#226187 - in reply to #226171)
Subject: Re: Last dance for my Adamas

November 2005
Posts: 1126

Location: Omaha, NE
Well, the story just took an unexpectedly happy twist...

I went down to Russo's to find something to tide me over. This is the same place where I bought my Taylor and also the place where I took it for repair.

Anyway, I played the aforementioned Ibanez (REALLY nice guitar, BTW...not in the same league as a high end domestic, but really well made for the money) for a while and decided to get it. I was in the middle of arm-wrestling with the sales guy. We were only $20 apart, but for me these things are sport, so I was determined to win. I told him how reasonable I was being, seeing as how the $2500 Taylor they had sold me less than a year before had died, leaving me without a guitar and with upcoming gigs.

Somehow, that caused him to connect the he leaves the room we were in and comes back WITH MY TAYLOR! Turns out the tech had taken mercy on me, knowing I was in a jam, and moved my guitar to the front of the pile. The problem turned out to be minor, so I'm back in business.

Funny how things work out sometimes.

Chris, that was VERY generous of you. THANKS! Guess I don't need to take you up on it this time, but I am humbled at your offer.
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Posted 2006-12-18 9:49 PM (#226188 - in reply to #226171)
Subject: Re: Last dance for my Adamas

September 2006
Posts: 713

Location: Alberta, Canada
Omaha, what a great ending to this little saga. Don't know if you believe in destiny, but, it seems to me you were meant to gig one last time with that Adamas.

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Capo Guy
Posted 2006-12-18 9:52 PM (#226189 - in reply to #226171)
Subject: Re: Last dance for my Adamas

December 2004
Posts: 4394

Location: East Tennessee
Originally posted by MWoody:

At least you have the T@ylor to play. It could be worse. Imagine nothing to fret and how soft your fingertips would get!
There is always a "Little Fretty". :D
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Posted 2006-12-19 12:35 AM (#226190 - in reply to #226171)
Subject: Re: Last dance for my Adamas

November 2002
Posts: 3621

Location: Pacific Northwest Inland Empire
Hmmmm......"the devil is in the details." Guess I forgot the clause about the servitude of your first-born, huh?
I'm really not that nice a guy. Ask MWoody. Held him up somewhat at the NW OFC Gathering. He had his chance the next week, though. Coulda cold-cocked me at Eddie Bauer's. You're a better man than I, Gunga Din.
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Posted 2006-12-19 12:43 AM (#226191 - in reply to #226171)
Subject: Re: Last dance for my Adamas

December 2003
Posts: 13991

Location: Upper Left USA
Freinds don't let Freinds play bad guitars or pay full retail!

Chris is OK!
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