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Random quote: "There are more love songs than anything else. If songs could make you do something we'd all love one another." -Frank Zappa

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Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

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Weaser P
Posted 2006-12-09 5:39 PM (#227872 - in reply to #227822)
Subject: Re: Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

October 2005
Posts: 5330

Location: Cicero, NY
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Posted 2006-12-09 6:57 PM (#227873 - in reply to #227822)
Subject: Re: Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

August 2006
Posts: 3145

Location: Marlton, NJ
Maybe p.i. doesn't stand for private investigator...

pimp incognito?
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Posted 2006-12-09 7:00 PM (#227874 - in reply to #227822)
Subject: Re: Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

November 2004
Posts: 382

Location: USA
santa already brought me my new addition ...
just call me santa...

nothing like buying your own gifts :) you get it right everytime.
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Posted 2006-12-11 6:44 AM (#227875 - in reply to #227822)
Subject: Re: Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

December 2004
Posts: 370

Location: Isle of Man, UK
Have mentioned this in another thread, but this seems like detail time!

My mother has got hold of my christmas present... it's a Gretsch Nashville 6120 Brian Setzer signature model. Sounds nice! Specs and stuff

It's going to count for a birthday present as well (birthday is July but I get the present now...), but I can live with that.

Incidentally, am I the only one slightly distracted when I look at Moddy's picture above? Mabe I need to get out more, but was checking out the guitars on the wall. Darn.

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Posted 2006-12-11 10:22 AM (#227876 - in reply to #227822)
Subject: Re: Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

January 2006
Posts: 5881

Location: Colorado Rocky Mountains
This is great. It really 'tis the season, although I'm with Tup. I don't need no stinkin' reason to buy more guitars and studio junk.
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Posted 2006-12-11 11:22 AM (#227877 - in reply to #227822)
Subject: Re: Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

February 2005
Posts: 11840

Location: closely held secret
Almost had that MM68 from instantKarma, but it looks like someone beat me to it.
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Capo Guy
Posted 2006-12-11 2:09 PM (#227878 - in reply to #227822)
Subject: Re: Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

December 2004
Posts: 4394

Location: East Tennessee
Originally posted by jb:

Incidentally, am I the only one slightly distracted when I look at Moddy's picture above? Mabe I need to get out more, but was checking out the guitars on the wall. Darn.

There were Guitars on the wall? :D
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Posted 2006-12-11 3:11 PM (#227879 - in reply to #227822)
Subject: Re: Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

December 2003
Posts: 13988

Location: Upper Left USA
First impression: They fell for the "take a picture with the nice guy" line. Probably in their contract.

Second impression: "What are those guitars on the back wall?"

Third thought: Their models look "fuller".

Fourth thought: "Hmmm, NAMM in January, what would I wear..."
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Posted 2006-12-11 3:18 PM (#227880 - in reply to #227822)
Subject: Re: Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

November 2005
Posts: 4832

Location: Campbell River, British Columbia
Hmmm, my thought was "Moody's Angels"
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Jeff W.
Posted 2006-12-11 3:36 PM (#227881 - in reply to #227822)
Subject: Re: Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
Yeah, "Angels"... heh.
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Posted 2006-12-12 9:39 PM (#227882 - in reply to #227822)
Subject: Re: Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

December 2004
Posts: 1673

Location: SoCal

So UPS drops the box off today and its been sitting warming up. It does not look like a guitar box.

While I was talking to Fred on the phone, I was joking around and wrote on the box, "to Lady Noah, with all my love".

Lady Noah comes home, sees the box... and really thinks I got her something "really big". She gave me the hugs and kisses. She wants to wait until Christmas to open it. I told her that it would be best to open it sooner. She said, ok she'll wait until Hanukkah.

I really screwed up.
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Weaser P
Posted 2006-12-12 9:50 PM (#227883 - in reply to #227822)
Subject: Re: Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

October 2005
Posts: 5330

Location: Cicero, NY
Noah - It's been fun...we'll always be here...and you'll be remembered fondly.
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Posted 2006-12-12 9:55 PM (#227884 - in reply to #227822)
Subject: Re: Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

November 2004
Posts: 382

Location: USA
you have a little under 2 weeks to find something to fit in that box...

good luck :)
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Posted 2006-12-13 8:44 AM (#227885 - in reply to #227822)
Subject: Re: Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

February 2005
Posts: 11840

Location: closely held secret
So put a pearl necklace and a homemade coupon for a romantic evening (dinner at least) in the box with the guitar and write an appropriate song to play on it.
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Posted 2006-12-13 9:53 AM (#227886 - in reply to #227822)
Subject: Re: Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

August 2006
Posts: 3145

Location: Marlton, NJ
Wabbit - very nice! It's always the simple things that are the most effective.

I did try that with a table saw once... just didn't have the same impact.
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moody, p.i.
Posted 2006-12-13 10:16 AM (#227887 - in reply to #227822)
Subject: Re: Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

March 2002
Posts: 15667

Location: SoCal
Bruce, I'm lazy and don't want to read the entire thread. What guitar is that?
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Posted 2006-12-13 10:26 AM (#227888 - in reply to #227822)
Subject: Re: Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

March 2005
Posts: 1421

Location: Orange County, California
Verythin John Stowell signature edition
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Posted 2006-12-13 10:34 AM (#227889 - in reply to #227822)
Subject: Re: Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

February 2005
Posts: 11840

Location: closely held secret
CL, a sharp blade spinning at high speed doesn't really communicate the same message as a romantic love song - and it's harder to sing along to.
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Posted 2006-12-13 10:35 AM (#227890 - in reply to #227822)
Subject: Re: Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

February 2005
Posts: 11840

Location: closely held secret
Originally posted by The Wabbit Formerly Known As Waskel:
So put a pearl necklace and a homemade coupon for a romantic evening (dinner at least) in the box with the guitar and write an appropriate song to play on it.
Bruce, forgot to mention, she'll see right through it, of course... but do it right and she won't care!
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Posted 2006-12-13 11:59 AM (#227891 - in reply to #227822)
Subject: Re: Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

November 2005
Posts: 1126

Location: Omaha, NE
I fell in love a few weeks ago. My new girl is named Lucille:

This whole "going electric" thing is new for me. Its opening up a whole new world of sounds. Absolutely amazing. I found a used Mesa F100 combo amp. The Epi played through the Mesa is just like butter. When I play them its just like sitting in room filled with guitar sex. Hours seem like minutes.

Depending on how things go on eBay, that's going to be my Christmas present to myself.
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Posted 2006-12-13 12:16 PM (#227892 - in reply to #227822)
Subject: Re: Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

August 2006
Posts: 3145

Location: Marlton, NJ
Originally posted by Waskel:

CL, a sharp blade spinning at high speed doesn't really communicate the same message as a romantic love song - and it's harder to sing along to.
You haven't heard me sing!
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Prairie Dog
Posted 2006-12-13 3:05 PM (#227893 - in reply to #227822)
Subject: Re: Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

July 2005
Posts: 150

Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
I'm getting a new futon.
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Posted 2006-12-13 4:37 PM (#227894 - in reply to #227822)
Subject: Re: Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

January 2006
Posts: 5881

Location: Colorado Rocky Mountains
Omaha, your new Lucille is the Epi version of Gibson's ES-345 that also contains a chicken knob tone control, which also appears on Gibson's ES-137 Custom that is on my list of future guitars to own. The reviews are mixed on the tone control. What does it do and how do you like it?
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Posted 2006-12-13 5:36 PM (#227895 - in reply to #227822)
Subject: Re: Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

November 2005
Posts: 1126

Location: Omaha, NE
Originally posted by ProfessorBB:
The reviews are mixed on the tone control. What does it do and how do you like it?
It creates a variety of different sounds. Here's a description from Epi's web site:

It really does allow you to quickly alter the tones you are getting. The overall versatility of this guitar is amazing. I'm interested in playing with the stereo outputs as well: Plug in two cords, and you can play each pickup through a separate amp.
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Posted 2006-12-13 5:50 PM (#227896 - in reply to #227822)
Subject: Re: Who's getting a guitar for Christmas?

June 2005
Posts: 1320

Location: Round Rock, TX
Life is good and so is Santa. Got a Les Paul Elegant coming and a 2007 Collectors. The problem is that they're coming, as in not already here. I like my gratification instant and continuous...

On another note, the Varitone on the 137 acts like the description in Omaha's post. The thing is (on mine anyway) is that all the non-bypass positions are waaay quieter than the bypass position. That'll keep the sound guy on his toes (or the audience, if the sound guy is AATW).

Now where's that eggnog...

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