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How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

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Jonmark Stone
Posted 2019-01-20 6:15 PM (#546679 - in reply to #546675)
Subject: Re: How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

May 2008
Posts: 1557

Location: Indiana
Very familiar with Shapeways from my modeling groups. Let me figure out how many I need.... For someone who isn't a "collector", I seem to have quite a few that could benefit from your OCD. Thanks Dan.
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Posted 2019-01-20 8:08 PM (#546680 - in reply to #546679)
Subject: Re: How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

June 2012
Posts: 2320

Location: Pueblo West, CO
Thanks, Jonmark.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I keep remembering guitars that I want to fix, so I need to order a few more of these, myself. In fact, I 'discovered' a BFLG 1617 in my attic a couple of weeks ago that I cannot, for the life of me, recall when/where I bought it or how much I paid. Sad commentary...

Now that my jaunt through saddle-improvement-land is complete I can get back to your parlor. I finished pulling the top off mine yesterday and I'm going to start on yours tomorrow. I'll be posting a new thread in a couple of days.

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Posted 2019-01-21 10:03 AM (#546684 - in reply to #537044)
Subject: Re: How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

February 2013
Posts: 176

Location: Cologne/Germany
I appreciate this work! Since living in Germany, it is and was not that easy to get replacement parts. Bought two complete pick-ups while Fender shut down the factory first. Was told it was the last package replacement parts to Europe..... During DW, I ordered two of the original saddles. My local shop ordered them from the european distributeur.
Problem: they were not straight but had a bow, more than yours on the photos in this thread. So I couldn‘t get them in...

Another reason to get yours. Regarding quality, I guess we all want the black ones, but have to cope with the changing look....

Shipping to Germany is reasonable.

The price is fine for me. The OEM wasn‘t much cheaper....
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Posted 2019-01-21 12:35 PM (#546685 - in reply to #546684)
Subject: Re: How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

June 2012
Posts: 2320

Location: Pueblo West, CO
Hi Georg,

Thanks! Yes, some parts are now, and will, in the future only become harder to find & buy.

I know what you mean. Having a black saddle in the walnut bridge on my Book Elite looks a little out of place. But, having the guitar play in tune makes it worthwhile to me. Besides, I never look at the saddle while I'm playing. LOL!

The black saddles do look better on the ebony bridges. I recently ordered some parts from Germany and shipping from there to here is equally reasonable.
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Posted 2019-01-21 7:35 PM (#546686 - in reply to #546685)
Subject: Re: How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

February 2014
Posts: 712

Location: moline,illinois
DanSavage - 2019-01-21 12:35 PM

The black saddles do look better on the ebony bridges.

One of the things I liked about these was the option for a black saddle I think they'll look great on my custom legends with ebony bridges as well as other guitars with black bridges,although as I think on this I'm going to have to get some black/Tusq nuts for them also so I can get a black/stealth theme on the guitar..always one more thing to buy LOL

Edited by 2wheeldrummer 2019-01-21 7:36 PM
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Old Man Arthur
Posted 2019-01-21 11:27 PM (#546692 - in reply to #546663)
Subject: Re: How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

September 2006
Posts: 10777

Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR
DanSavage - 2019-01-19 7:30 PM

Lots of views. No replies. No orders. Hmmm...

I just ordered two.
Just cuz...
I would rather Have them and Not Need them...
You never know. I've got a few Black guitars.

Edited by Old Man Arthur 2019-01-21 11:47 PM
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Posted 2019-01-21 11:36 PM (#546693 - in reply to #546686)
Subject: Re: How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

June 2012
Posts: 2320

Location: Pueblo West, CO

2wheeldrummer - 2019-01-21 5:35 PM

One of the things I liked about these was the option for a black saddle I think they'll look great on my custom legends with ebony bridges as well as other guitars with black bridges,although as I think on this I'm going to have to get some black/Tusq nuts for them also so I can get a black/stealth theme on the guitar..always one more thing to buy LOL

Same here. I know what you mean.

Yes, they do look great. Here's a preview of what to expect.

Edited by DanSavage 2019-01-21 11:44 PM
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Posted 2019-01-21 11:38 PM (#546694 - in reply to #546692)
Subject: Re: How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

June 2012
Posts: 2320

Location: Pueblo West, CO
Old Man Arthur - 2019-01-21 9:27 PM

I just ordered two.
Just cuz...
I would rather Have them and Not Need them...
You never know.

Thanks! You won't be disappointed. They're really easy to replace and once you've tried one, I suspect you'll be wanting to upgrade all your other guitars. Just like me! LOL!

Hey! That's my motto, too!
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Posted 2019-01-23 11:21 AM (#546700 - in reply to #537044)
Subject: Re: How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

December 2016
Posts: 128

I just ordered my two saddles! Gotta support my brah and if it makes the Custom Ultra sound better, it's a win-win for me!
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Posted 2019-01-23 11:41 AM (#546701 - in reply to #546700)
Subject: Re: How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

June 2012
Posts: 2320

Location: Pueblo West, CO
Thanks, Pal! I appreciate it.

Yeah. Not only will your Custom Ultra sound better, but so will Darth Ovation.
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Posted 2019-01-23 11:44 AM (#546702 - in reply to #537044)
Subject: RE: How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

June 2012
Posts: 2320

Location: Pueblo West, CO

I thought I'd share the latest development of the new OCP-1K saddle.

I received an inquiry on the FB Ovation Collectors forum about whether the new saddle would work on a lefty O.

I replied that it would not, but offered to created a left-handed saddle, which I did.

Here's the link to the lefty saddle.

Ovation OCP-1K Fully-Compensated Saddle (Left-Hand)

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Posted 2019-01-23 1:07 PM (#546703 - in reply to #546701)
Subject: Re: How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

December 2016
Posts: 128

DanSavage - 2019-01-23 11:41 AM

Thanks, Pal! I appreciate it.

Yeah. Not only will your Custom Ultra sound better, but so will Darth Ovation.

That makes it a win-win-win situation. Oo-rah!
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Posted 2019-01-24 8:50 AM (#546710 - in reply to #546703)
Subject: Re: How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

June 2012
Posts: 2320

Location: Pueblo West, CO
DarenSavage - 2019-01-23 11:07 AM

That makes it a win-win-win situation. Oo-rah!

You're gonna like it. :D
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Posted 2019-01-24 8:35 PM (#546733 - in reply to #537044)
Subject: Re: How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

October 2014
Posts: 270

I have a 1979 Country Artist 1624 that has pretty deep wear slots in its saddle. These probably won't work but I thought I'd ask. If not, do you know if replacements are still available from Ovation or elsewhere or if a superglue/baking soda repair would work?
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Posted 2019-01-25 9:10 AM (#546738 - in reply to #546733)
Subject: Re: How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

June 2012
Posts: 2320

Location: Pueblo West, CO
I can't see any reason why these wouldn't work with a 1624.

That has the OCP-1K and this replacement saddle is designed to work with all OCP-1K pick-ups.

I'm not sure if replacements are available. You'd have to contact the factory.

Yes, baking soda/superglue will fix the grooves, but it won't fix the intonation.
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Posted 2019-01-25 10:51 AM (#546747 - in reply to #537044)
Subject: Re: How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

October 2014
Posts: 270

Thanks, I just ordered one for my 1624.

Edited by BCam 2019-01-25 10:59 AM
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Posted 2019-01-25 10:12 PM (#546759 - in reply to #546747)
Subject: Re: How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

June 2012
Posts: 2320

Location: Pueblo West, CO

BCam - 2019-01-25 8:51 AM

Thanks, I just ordered one for my 1624.

Because of your inquiry I pulled my 1624 down from storage and swapped out the saddle.

In a word, it sounds fantastic. Not only does it fix the intonation of this guitar, but the white nylon actually improves the tone. More sustain across all six strings and clearer notes. I haven't tried the black on the nylon string guitars, but based upon my experience with the steel strings I know that it will only make a guitar like a 1624 sound even better.

Here's a comparison between the OEM saddle and my fully-compensated saddle. The OEM has some sort of weird Takemine staggered saddle action going on. Some strings intonated sort-of correctly, others didn't. It was like the guitar was slightly out of tune.

What a difference the compensated saddle makes!


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Love O Fair
Posted 2019-01-25 11:46 PM (#546764 - in reply to #537044)
Subject: Re: How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

February 2016
Posts: 1814

Location: When??
Whoa wait.. go back. Just when I thought I'd mastered all the half-slap-makeshift rigging concoctions. Super glue and baking soda? Intriguing. What does it do? How?
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Posted 2019-01-26 9:59 AM (#546772 - in reply to #537044)
Subject: Re: How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

June 2012
Posts: 2320

Location: Pueblo West, CO
CA and baking soda is a trick used to fill things like nut slots.

Let's say you're setting the nut action and you accidentally file the slot too deep.

To fix, you add some dry baking soda to the slot and tamp it down a little. Then, hit it with small drop of CA and it will dry instantly and turn the baking soda filler rock-hard. Next, file the slot again.

Personally, I prefer using unbleached bone dust instead of baking soda as it matches the color of the nut better than the stark white of the baking soda.
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Posted 2019-01-26 10:38 AM (#546773 - in reply to #537044)
Subject: Re: How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

October 2014
Posts: 270

The physical difference between the OEM 1624 saddle and the new one is pretty significant. I can't wait to get mine. I picked up my 1624 a few months ago and it's pretty much become my favorite guitar, and that's with the old, worn saddle. I'm wondering if I'm going to need a black nut and black tuning knobs to round things out.

I like your bone dust approach.

Edited by BCam 2019-01-26 10:39 AM
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Love O Fair
Posted 2019-01-26 11:18 PM (#546786 - in reply to #537044)
Subject: Re: How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

February 2016
Posts: 1814

Location: When??
Good info. Thanks, Dan.
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Posted 2019-01-29 1:36 PM (#546831 - in reply to #546747)
Subject: Re: How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

June 2012
Posts: 2320

Location: Pueblo West, CO
BCam - 2019-01-25 8:51 AM

Thanks, I just ordered one for my 1624.

Hi Bob,

I looked again at the 1624 saddle and realized it doesn't have any radius to it.

Let me make a new model and I'll send it to you free of charge.

Please PM your snail-mail address to me.

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Posted 2019-01-31 7:35 PM (#546861 - in reply to #537044)
Subject: Re: How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

December 2016
Posts: 128

Got a notice from Shapeways that my saddles shipped. Whoo hoo!

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Old Man Arthur
Posted 2019-02-01 8:28 PM (#546874 - in reply to #537044)
Subject: Re: How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

September 2006
Posts: 10777

Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR
Mine arrived today.
I have not installed them in anything.
But it is good to have spares.
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Posted 2019-02-02 9:30 AM (#546876 - in reply to #546861)
Subject: Re: How To: Replace OCP-1K Bridge Saddle...

June 2012
Posts: 2320

Location: Pueblo West, CO
DarenSavage - 2019-01-31 5:35 PM

Got a notice from Shapeways that my saddles shipped. Whoo hoo!


I'm sure you're counting the days, just like me.
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