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I have questions..

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Posted 2023-12-05 12:07 PM (#558865)
Subject: I have questions..

December 2023
Posts: 2

Hello to you all, I appreciate the opportunity to pick your brains for knowledge. I'll try to make a long story just long, so here goes. I was gifted a beautiful Adamas 1681-7 by my late father many years ago. I feel that's important to share because the guitar came with a sentimental attachment long before i knew the dollar amount these pull down. That said, I loaned the guitar to a friend to cover them through some gigs because of blah blah to their guitar. I'm sure you can guess the next part. So best I can tell the bezel around the preamp is busted, and that is what keeps the preamp from falling into the guitar. Could I use a faceplate from the FET3 OR OP24 to fix the problem? The absolute last thing I would want to do is alter the body or the guitar to put a new preamp in it..any advice I would be grateful for. I'd like to stick around as well if you'll have me!! Thank you!!
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Mr. Ovation
Posted 2023-12-05 2:07 PM (#558866 - in reply to #558865)
Subject: Re: I have questions..

December 2001
Posts: 7224

Location: The Great Pacific Northwest
I have updated your membership and moved this post to the General Area where others can answer. Please provide a link to a picture (or upload one) of the current pre-amp, but assuming no modifications, you should be able to find a replacement and just drop it in.
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Posted 2024-01-04 9:30 AM (#558984 - in reply to #558865)
Subject: Re: I have questions..

December 2023
Posts: 2

If anyone is looking for closure, I ordered a faceplate from and it saved the day. Swapped them out and plugged in. First time it had been amp'd in years..
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