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Any Looper Experts out There??

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Posted 2008-12-21 1:58 PM (#5627)
Subject: Any Looper Experts out There??

September 2005
Posts: 3618

I am getting a bit tired of trying to find people up here in the sticks to jam with on a regular basis, so I have decided to try jamming with a looper. (by the way ... is that considered to be playing with myself?)

Can anyone here give a good comparative review on current loop systems?
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Trader Jim
Posted 2008-12-21 2:15 PM (#5628 - in reply to #5627)
Subject: Re: Any Looper Experts out There??

June 2006
Posts: 7307

Location: South of most, North of few
I was kind of interested in this too.
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Posted 2008-12-21 2:24 PM (#5629 - in reply to #5627)
Subject: Re: Any Looper Experts out There??

February 2007
Posts: 302

Location: Nashville, TN
I can throw in a few thoughts here...I've owned almost every looper imaginable...I prefer (@ this point) the Boss RC20XLs I use 2 of them..the RC20 are good but not as much memory length..I've owned the Oberheim Gibson Echoplex..not user freindly..the Boss RC50 doesn't do any more than the 20 series (except take up space) the RC2 is ok..except you need other gadgets hook up to it, to do everything the 20s will do..The Digitech Jamman was not as user freindly as the the Boss, but is cool, too...The Boomerang+ is very cool in the fact you have 2 loops to work with individually..but I found it did not have enough memory..hence using 2 Boss RC20xls..the Boomerang people have a new Boomerang coming out soon which is supposed to have 4 tracks of individual loops that are switchable & stackable..with 6 track capability & plenty of memory to record individual sections of songs..but @ this point I think if you're going to get a looper the Boss RC20 series were best for me..
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Posted 2008-12-21 2:54 PM (#5630 - in reply to #5627)
Subject: Re: Any Looper Experts out There??

October 2005
Posts: 4051

Location: Utah
I'm no expert, but did just go through the buying process. What Dan said is true about the RC2. It will do everything the 20 does - if you add an additional footswitch. If you're doing that, you might as well just get the 20XL.

But, the RC2 is a very capable machine. Without the extra footswitch you have to bend over and turn a knob to get it to do what the extra footswitch would do. So, in a live situation the 20XL might be worth the extra $. But for sporadic gigging and regular home use, the RC2 is what we got.

The Boss series do offer one very nice feature, which they call "loop quantize". You can turn the quantize function on or off. What it does is force the loop length to be a whole multiple of measures. Meaning, if you stomp the loop to end a recording, and you are a half beat early, it will add a half beat of silence onto your recording. Thus, your loop is full measures long, not cut short.

So as you start layering loops or playing along, it is all in time. Without quantize, you'd have the last measure of your loop a bit short and it would sound odd.
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Posted 2008-12-21 4:55 PM (#5631 - in reply to #5627)
Subject: Re: Any Looper Experts out There??

September 2005
Posts: 3618

Any thoughts or knowledge on the line6 JM4?
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Posted 2008-12-21 8:21 PM (#5632 - in reply to #5627)
Subject: Re: Any Looper Experts out There??

March 2005
Posts: 5563

Location: Blue Ridge Mountains
I bought an RC20XL and I really like it...great bang for the bucks and it really works...I'm still working it out but I sould not give it up even at this point! Got mine at AMS and 3!
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Posted 2008-12-21 9:20 PM (#5633 - in reply to #5627)
Subject: Re: Any Looper Experts out There??

January 2006
Posts: 2120

Location: Chicago
vince, I can stronly endorse the Boss RC=2 pedal.

Would you be in the Chiago area anytime soon?
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Posted 2008-12-21 9:44 PM (#5634 - in reply to #5627)
Subject: Re: Any Looper Experts out There??

July 2008
Posts: 31

Location: Tampa Bay area, FL
Looping is what I do, so I have a few all depends on what you want to do. For live playing and live manipulation of the loop, I love the Line6 DL4 or M13, or really, the Echoplex Digital Pro for serious looping (it actually is pretty user-friendly). For static loops, practice, or protable 'play by yourself over static chord progressions' , the Boss RC-2 is great. I tend to use my looper for live improvisations, so features like feedback and easy access to undo are important to me. You might also check this page (not mine):
or the king of resources for loopers:
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Posted 2008-12-22 10:22 AM (#5635 - in reply to #5627)
Subject: Re: Any Looper Experts out There??

January 2006
Posts: 5881

Location: Colorado Rocky Mountains
I use the RC20 in live instrumental solo performances. It is very intuitive and straight forward. My use involves laying down multiple rhythm and melody tracks, then improvising a lead line on top. The process is actually a matter of laying down multiple layers of dubbing rather than separate tracks, although my recollection is that the instructions allow you to remove the layers. Memory is never an issue as the track length is usually no more than 16 bars, and more often 8 or 12 bars. The downside is that songs can't incorporate tempo changes and endings can be awkward. There may be a way to do this, but I haven't tried to figure it out.
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